Category: Shorts
Mice Can Recognize Themselves In Mirrors, Do They Have Souls?
in ShortsMice Can Recognize Themselves In Mirrors, Do They Have Souls? #shorts #mice #test #heads #self-recognition club Researchers have found that mice can pass the mirror test, but they’re not quite self-aware. They only recognize themselves if they have a big ol’ glob of ink on their heads, and they need to have spent time socializing…
You Won’t Believe What the Earth REALLY Looks Like!
in ShortsYou Won’t Believe What the Earth REALLY Looks Like! #shorts #Earth #clock #pendulum clock #new planets gravitational pull Yo, Earth be kinda flat, homie. Just kidding, it’s not flat at all. It’s actually more like a big ol’ bowling ball. You know, kinda round but with some bumps and stuff. That’s because of gravity and…
1,000 Birds Illuminated Into a Deadly Trap
in Shorts1,000 Birds Illuminated Into a Deadly Trap #shorts #birds #Glaring artificial lights #scientists #McCormick Place Lakeside Center 1000 birds died after they flew into a brightly lit building in Chicago. This is not the first time this has happened and scientists are starting to think that maybe we need to reconsider our relationship with artificial…
The Secret To Life On Earth’s Early, Deadly Days
in ShortsThe Secret To Life On Earth’s Early, Deadly Days #shorts #life #radiation #manganese ions #molecules Scientists have discovered that early life on Earth may have been protected from radiation by manganese ions. This discovery could help us understand how life began on our planet. In a new study, researchers found that model protocells containing manganese…
Chandrayaan-3’s Propulsion Module Makes “Miracle” Escape During Solar Eclipse!
in ShortsChandrayaan-3’s Propulsion Module Makes “Miracle” Escape During Solar Eclipse! #shorts #Earth orbit #mission #ISRO #fuel India’s moon mission was a huge success, but they had some leftover fuel so they decided to send the propulsion module back to Earth orbit. The module is now orbiting Earth every 13 days and will be repurposed for Earth…
The 1 Weird Trick That Will Change Your Life Forever
in ShortsThe 1 Weird Trick That Will Change Your Life Forever #shorts #Krebs cycle #carbon dioxide #ATP #molecule Yo, check it. The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or the TCA cycle, is a series of chemical reactions that generate energy in aerobic organisms. It’s like the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria, is…
Einstein & Quantum Mechanics: The Final Theory?
in ShortsEinstein & Quantum Mechanics: The Final Theory? #shorts #grand unified theory #Space-time #spacetime #fluctuations Physicists have been trying to unite quantum mechanics and general relativity for decades, but they haven’t had much luck. So a group of researchers came up with a new theory called the “postquantum theory of classical gravity.” In this theory, space-time…
Mummified Frogs: The Ancient Egyptians’ Secret Pet?
in ShortsMummified Frogs: The Ancient Egyptians’ Secret Pet? #shorts #mummified frogs #life #frog-headed goddess #Frogs Ancient Egyptians were into some weird stuff, like mummifying frogs. But it makes sense when you consider that they worshipped a frog-headed goddess of fertility named Heqet. And since frogs are associated with water, which is necessary for crops to grow,…
You Won’t Believe What This New Virus Can Do!
in ShortsYou Won’t Believe What This New Virus Can Do! #shorts #seen virus #Peru #single case #known phlebovirus Scientists in Peru discovered a new virus that causes a disease that’s like dengue fever, malaria, and other tropical infectious diseases. One guy got it and had flu-like symptoms for a few days, then he got better. But…
Mysterious Blob Blasts Earth With Radiation Every Hour and a Half
in ShortsMysterious Blob Blasts Earth With Radiation Every Hour and a Half #shorts #supermassive black hole #gamma-ray emission #magnetized blob #Sagittarius A Scientists have discovered a magnetized blob of material orbiting our galaxy’s supermassive black hole at an incredible speed. The blob is moving around Sagittarius A* at 30% of the speed of light, which is…