Category: Shorts

  • What Are These Giant Barcodes in the Sky? The Truth May Surprise You!



    What Are These Giant Barcodes in the Sky? The Truth May Surprise You! #shorts #Californias Edwards Air Force Base #US #targets #aerial and satellite cameras Have you ever looked down at the ground and seen a giant barcode? Well, you’re not crazy, and it’s not a message from aliens. These are actually optical calibration targets…

  • The Future Is Not What You Think!



    The Future Is Not What You Think! #shorts #future #past #US #many people The future ain’t what it used to be. For some cultures, it’s behind you. And for others, it’s up in the air. But one thing’s for sure, the past is always in front of you, so keep your eyes on it. 👋…

  • Giant Rat That Cracks Coconuts Discovered in Solomon Islands



    Giant Rat That Cracks Coconuts Discovered in Solomon Islands #shorts #first-ever images #species #Vangunu giant rat #Tyrone Lavery Scientists have captured the first-ever images of the rare, but particularly sizeable, Vangunu giant rat. This tree-dwelling, coconut-cracking rodent is a real-life beast that measures up to 3 feet long and weighs over 3 pounds. The new…

  • You Won’t Believe How Cold The Coldest Place In The Universe Is!



    You Won’t Believe How Cold The Coldest Place In The Universe Is! #shorts #temperature #colder and colder temperatures #universe #Boomerang Nebula The coldest place in the universe is inside an alien lab, but we haven’t found it yet. On Earth, the coldest place is a few hundred atoms in a cloud, but if you want…

  • The Incredible Story Behind The Most Famous Photo In History



    The Incredible Story Behind The Most Famous Photo In History #shorts #Earth #Frank Borman #Nasa #Apollo 8 mission Apollo 8 crew took a famous photo of Earthrise from the Moon. Although the astronauts were surprised by the sight, they had been briefed on how to take the picture. The crew also read a passage from…

  • Moose With “Devil’s Antlers”: The Science Behind This Bizarre Phenomenon



    Moose With “Devil’s Antlers”: The Science Behind This Bizarre Phenomenon #shorts #cool antlers #animal world #moose #called “Devils Antlers Have you heard of a moose with so-called “Devil’s Antlers”? It’s a real thing, and it’s caused by a lack of testosterone in the animal. These antlers are weird and disfigured, and they don’t shed at…

  • You Won’t Believe What’s Replacing Zoos!



    You Won’t Believe What’s Replacing Zoos! #shorts #zoos #conservation #biodiversity #captivity Zoos are in trouble! That’s right, the folks at Born Free are saying that zoos are not doing a good job of conserving species and educating the public. And they’re calling for a new approach that focuses on restoring habitats and protecting biodiversity. Chris…

  • Study: Women’s Hunting Skills Put Men to Shame



    Study: Women’s Hunting Skills Put Men to Shame #shorts #Cara Ocobock #women #hunting #Advertisement Advertisement Men are hunters, right? They’re biologically superior, stronger, and so on. But it turns out, women may have been the better hunters all along. New research suggests that Neanderthal women were just as good at hunting as men. They were…

  • “”The World’s Biggest Iceberg Is About to Break Off Antarctica and Cause a Tsunami!””



    “”The World’s Biggest Iceberg Is About to Break Off Antarctica and Cause a Tsunami!”” #shorts #world’s biggest iceberg #first time #square miles #most icebergs The world’s biggest iceberg – larger than Rhode Island – has finally started moving after being stuck in place for over three decades. Scientists are not sure why the iceberg started…

  • The Mysterious “Lost” Ocean That Scientists Just Discovered



    The Mysterious “Lost” Ocean That Scientists Just Discovered #shorts #water #team #data #Equatorial Water mass Scientists discover giant water blob in Atlantic Ocean. The massive body of water is located between the tip of Brazil and the Gulf of Guinea. Researchers say the find is like discovering a new continent. They’re calling it the Atlantic…