Category: Shorts
The Centrifugal Force That Isn’t
in ShortsThe Centrifugal Force That Isn’t #shorts #centrifugal force #fact #motion #own inertia Centrifugal force is a real trip. It’s the imaginary force that makes you feel like you’re getting flung out of a spinning merry-go-round, even though there’s no actual force acting on you. It’s also responsible for the Earth’s bulgy middle and the fact…
Elon Musk’s Twitter Fiasco Cost the Company $1.5 Billion in Ad Revenue
in ShortsElon Musk’s Twitter Fiasco Cost the Company $1.5 Billion in Ad Revenue #shorts #Elon Musks ownership #Twitter #ad revenue hand #site Elon Musk’s Twitter, now known as X, is losing ad revenue hand over fist. The site is projected to bring in about $2.5 billion in ad revenue for this year, a “significant slump” compared…
2024: The Year Nostradamus Predicted the World Would End
in Shorts2024: The Year Nostradamus Predicted the World Would End #shorts #Nostradamus #King #passage #year It’s that time of year again when news outlets ’round the world start peddling their annual lists of things that 16th Century CE astrologer Nostradamus predicted would happen in the following year. And boy, do they have some doozies lined up…
NASA’s Psyche Mission Captures Breathtaking Photos of Starry Night Sky!
in ShortsNASA’s Psyche Mission Captures Breathtaking Photos of Starry Night Sky! #shorts #first images #NASA’s Psyche mission #spacecraft #asteroid Psyche NASA’s Psyche spacecraft has sent back its first images – a stunning celestial mosaic of a star field in the constellation Pisces. The pics are just a “curtain-opener” for the mission, which will spend the next…
SETI Scientists Finally Make Contact…With A Humpback Whale!
in ShortsSETI Scientists Finally Make Contact…With A Humpback Whale! #shorts #Twain #nearby whales #humans #minute conversation Scientists from the SETI Institute teamed up with whale researchers to chat with a humpback whale named Twain. The conversation went on for 20 minutes and it’s believed to be the first time humans have communicated with a humpback whale…
Cats Will Eat Anything: Even These 2,084 Animals!
in ShortsCats Will Eat Anything: Even These 2,084 Animals! #shorts #ranging cats #different animal species #study #percent A new study has found that domestic cats are voracious predators that kill an estimated 2084 different animal species. That’s right, your cuddly little fur ball is actually a cold-hearted killer. The study authors write that “cats are indiscriminate…
What Happened When Doctors Tried To Grow Teeth In Jars?
in ShortsWhat Happened When Doctors Tried To Grow Teeth In Jars? #shorts #tooth allotransplant #teeth #Craddock #procedure The history of tooth transplants is a gruesome one. In the 18th century, wealthy people would pay to have teeth pulled from the mouths of poor people and implanted into their own mouths. This led to the transmission of…
The Ideal Male Buttocks Are Flat
in ShortsThe Ideal Male Buttocks Are Flat #shorts #pleasing male butt #men #male buttocks #Plastic surgery researchers The study’s lead author Dr. Ashit Patel of Duke University explains that there is a preferred male gluteal aesthetic, an aesthetic aesthetic that men have for their rear ends. This aesthetic, he says, is based on survey respondents’ perceptions…
Mummies: The Surprisingly Pleasant Smell of Death
in ShortsMummies: The Surprisingly Pleasant Smell of Death #shorts #immortelle #myrtle #ancient Egyptian tomb #several samples Egyptian Tombs: Still Smelling Great After 2,000 Years! Did you know that ancient Egyptian tombs still smell great after 2,000 years? That’s right, thanks to the aromatic plants used in funerary rituals, these tombs are filled with the sweet scents…
Voyager 1 Discovers Mysterious Signals From Deep Space
in ShortsVoyager 1 Discovers Mysterious Signals From Deep Space #shorts #longest operating spacecraft #useful data #NASA #archaic computer language Voyager 1 is the second-longest operating spacecraft in human history, but it’s having some trouble. The spacecraft has traveled further than any human-made object, but it’s starting to get a little lost. It’s been sending back some…