Category: Shorts
You Won’t Believe Why People Are Eating Sticks Of Butter!
in ShortsYou Won’t Believe Why People Are Eating Sticks Of Butter! #shorts #straight butter #people #low-fat dairy alternatives #diet Have you heard about the latest health craze? People are eating raw butter! That’s right, folks, no cooking, no spreading on toast, just a big ol’ spoonful of unrefined butter. And they say it’s good for you!…
Tibet’s Ancient Handprints: Not the World’s Oldest Art?
in ShortsTibet’s Ancient Handprints: Not the World’s Oldest Art? #shorts #prints #researchers #age #panel Scientists once thought they found the oldest cave paintings in the world, but new evidence suggests the 200,000-year-old hand and footprints were actually made 1,300 years ago by Tibetan kids. The original researchers used a controversial dating method that’s been known to…
Electricity Flows Like Liquid Through New “Strange Metal”
in ShortsElectricity Flows Like Liquid Through New “Strange Metal” #shorts #distinct charge #shot noise #strange metal #quantum material Scientists have discovered a new material that behaves like a metal, but it’s not so strange. Researchers built nanowires with a precise 1:2:2 ratio of ytterbium, rhodium, and silicon (YbRh 2 Si 2 ) and found that electricity…
600-Year-Old Underwater City Discovered in China!
in Shorts600-Year-Old Underwater City Discovered in China! #shorts #ancient city #time #site #seen photos The Sunken City of Shicheng The Chinese city of Shicheng was submerged in 1959 to make way for a dam. But thanks to the city’s freshwater surroundings and low oxygen levels, it’s been remarkably well-preserved. Divers who have explored the city have…
Fly over the waves in the world’s first electric hydrofoil passenger ship!
in ShortsFly over the waves in the world’s first electric hydrofoil passenger ship! #shorts #Candela P-12 #vessels performance #Candela #passengers A Swedish company has made the world’s first all-electric hydrofoil passenger boat that can travel at 30 knots. It’s called the Candela P-12 and it’s pretty fancy. It has a range of up to 92 kilometers…
Watch Orcas Play in the Waters of a Natural Hot Tub!
in ShortsWatch Orcas Play in the Waters of a Natural Hot Tub! #shorts #skin #orca #National Geographic WILDs new series #Incredible Animal Journeys Orcas use icebergs as beauty products! That’s right, folks. These marine mammals have been known to rub their skin against the rough surfaces of icebergs in order to exfoliate and remove any irritants.…
You Won’t Believe What This Doctor Says About Pain!
in ShortsYou Won’t Believe What This Doctor Says About Pain! #shorts #disproportionate pain #entire body #brain #nerves Can pain kill you? You’ve probably had a stubbed toe or a paper cut that made you want to die. But can pain actually kill you? The answer is: yes, but it’s not as simple as you might think.…
mRNA Can’t Change Your DNA – Scientists Explain Why
in ShortsmRNA Can’t Change Your DNA – Scientists Explain Why #shorts #mRNA #DNA #nucleus #mRNA vaccines mRNA vaccines are the subject of a lot of misinformation, one of the most ridiculous being that they can change your DNA. That’s like saying a recipe can change your kitchen. mRNA is just a messenger, it can’t get into…
You Won’t Believe What This Rare Orange Aurora Is Really Made Of!
in ShortsYou Won’t Believe What This Rare Orange Aurora Is Really Made Of! #shorts #color #energy #excited state #electron Have you seen the northern lights? They’re so pretty! But have you ever seen them orange? Some people say they have, but scientists say it’s just our eyes playing tricks on us. The aurora is actually green…
Asteroid vs. Volcano: Which Killed the Dinosaurs? AI Might Know
in ShortsAsteroid vs. Volcano: Which Killed the Dinosaurs? AI Might Know #shorts #massive asteroid impact #Cox #impact #Dr Brenhin Keller A new study suggests that the dinosaurs were killed by volcanoes, not an asteroid. Scientists fed a bunch of computers data about the Cretaceous period and asked them what caused the mass extinction. The computers said…