Category: Shorts

  • AI-powered drive-thru? It’s a human job in the Philippines!



    AI-powered drive-thru? It’s a human job in the Philippines! #shorts #autonomous AI #Presto Automation #Bloomberg reports #show The AI drive-thru system at Checkers and Carl’s Jr is not as autonomous as it seems. It relies on a backbone of outsourced laborers who regularly have to intervene so that it takes customers’ orders correctly. The company…

  • See the Photos AI Generates From Your Social Media



    See the Photos AI Generates From Your Social Media #shorts #Meta #social media company #images #Metas underlying “Emu” image-synthesis model This week, Meta announced a new AI image generator called Imagine with Meta AI. Its Emu model uses a process called quality-tuning to compare the aesthetic alignment of comparable images, setting it apart from the…

  • Elon Musk’s Grok AI Caught Red-Handed Stealing OpenAI’s Chat Algorithms



    Elon Musk’s Grok AI Caught Red-Handed Stealing OpenAI’s Chat Algorithms #shorts #Groks rocky debut #plagiarism #Musk #OpenAI Elon Musk’s Grok bot had a rough launch, trashing Musk and cosigning with progressive political causes that are anathema to the increasing regressive entrepreneur. Its soft launch was rough as well. In the comments section, Ben Collins of…

  • Human Brain Size Altriciality (Human Brain Size Altriciality



    Human Brain Size Altriciality (Human Brain Size Altriciality #shorts #size #humans #brain growth #birth This study is published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution. The authors note that the high level of human brain size altriciality most strongly relates to a larger than expected adult brain size, rather than a smaller than expected neonatal…

  • Eating Clams Could Help You Live Longer



    Eating Clams Could Help You Live Longer #shorts #other species #longevity #Iannello #genes Clams might hold the secret to a longer life, according to a new study. Researchers from Bologna found that bivalve mollusks have a wide range of lifespans, from one year to over 500 years. The team believes that this could be due…

  • The Rarest Night Sky Event of the Year Is Happening Next Week And You Can See It With Your Naked Eye



    The Rarest Night Sky Event of the Year Is Happening Next Week And You Can See It With Your Naked Eye #shorts #Betelgeuse #Leona #occultation #path On December 12th, asteroid 319 Leona will be passing in front of Betelgeuse, blocking its light. This is a rare opportunity to study Betelgeuse, and astronomers are asking for…

  • The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Redesigned. Here’s Why.



    The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Redesigned. Here’s Why. #shorts #used COVID-19 vaccines #new study #target effects #Advertisement Advertisement Scientists are looking into the design of the mRNA vaccines, which were used to defeat COVID-19, because of a new discovery. While these vaccines are new, they were thoroughly tested before being released to the public. Some…

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Things You Missed This Week



    5 Mind-Blowing Things You Missed This Week #shorts #full story #QWERTY keyboard #Advertisement Advertisement #made-up human concepts This week in science, a woman got shot in the butt after bringing a gun into an MRI machine, scientists measured magnetic monopoles for the first time, and a fossilized plant was revealed to be a 100-million-year-old baby…

  • Are You Anxious After Drinking? Here’s Why



    Are You Anxious After Drinking? Here’s Why #shorts #alcohol #anxiety #Dr Krystal #symptoms Alcohol affects the brain in many ways, one of which is by binding to GABA receptors and reducing a neuron’s response to stimuli. This can make you feel less anxious, but it also means that when the alcohol wears off, your brain…

  • Are You Living In A FAKE WORLD? 5 Signs You’re In A Computer Simulation



    Are You Living In A FAKE WORLD? 5 Signs You’re In A Computer Simulation #shorts #computer simulation #bits #universe #physical reality Physicists have long been puzzled by the fine-tuning of the universe for life to exist. A common answer is that we live in an infinite multiverse of universes, but another is that our universe…