The Gulf Stream System’s strength has decreased by 15 percent since 400 AD


The Gulf Stream System’s strength has decreased by 15 percent since 400 AD

The warm ocean current that keeps northern Europe habitable is weaker than ever before, according to new research.

The Gulf Stream has been weakening since the mid-20th century, and there is now concern that it will weaken further and have catastrophic consequences for the UK and Ireland.

For thousands of years, this current has been the dominant force driving northern Europe’s climate.

However, recent measurements suggest that it has weakened by more than 15 percent since the late 20th century.

Oceanographers have debated how much this recent weakening compares to past movements and whether it is a random drop or the start of a frightening trend.

Now, they have published several lines of evidence for the strength of the Gulf Stream since 400 AD.The Gulf Stream System works like a giant conveyor belt, carrying warm surface water from the equator up north and sending cold, low-salinity deep water back down south.

It moves nearly 20 million cubic meters of water per second, almost a hundred times the Amazon flow

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