Tag: science news

  • Ancient Fish Species Create Viable Hybrid



    Ancient Fish Species Create Viable Hybrid #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #sturgeon #paddlefish #fish hybrid #evolution #species divergence In 2020, Russian sturgeon and American paddlefish accidentally hybridized in a lab to create viable offspring dubbed “sturddlefish.” The two species diverged over 185 million years ago in the Jurassic, so scientists thought they were…

  • Mushrooms Evolve to Invade Living Plants



    Mushrooms Evolve to Invade Living Plants #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #fungi #mushrooms #mycology #bonnet mushrooms #plant pathogens Bonnet mushrooms were thought to only feed on dead matter, but Danish researchers found they can now invade living plant roots too. The opportunistic fungi are adapting to get nutrients from both living and dead…

  • We May Be Alone in the Universe



    We May Be Alone in the Universe #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Fermi paradox #alien life #Drake equation #astrobiology The Fermi paradox questions why we haven’t found signs of alien civilization despite the high probability implied by the vastness of space. One unsettling proposed solution is that we are actually alone in the…

  • Teen Invents Cancer-Fighting Soap



    Teen Invents Cancer-Fighting Soap #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #cancer research #melanoma #soap #skin cancer #science fair 14-year-old Heman Bekele won the 3M Young Scientist Challenge for inventing a bar of soap that helps treat melanoma skin cancer. His Melanoma Treating Soap fuses medicinal soap with a mixture of acids that combat cancer…

  • Why Old Poison Bottles Had Textured Glass



    Why Old Poison Bottles Had Textured Glass #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #poison bottles #victorian era #textured glass #bottle collecting #bottle history In the 1800s, chemists and glassmakers created uniquely shaped and textured poison bottles to prevent dangerous mix-ups in the dark before electric lighting was common. Distinctive textures, colors and designs like…

  • 14 Million Year Old Landscape Found Under Antarctic Ice



    14 Million Year Old Landscape Found Under Antarctic Ice #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Antarctica #climate change #ice sheet #ancient landscape #river valleys #global warming New satellite data has revealed an ancient landscape beneath East Antarctica’s ice sheet that has remained undisturbed for at least 14 million years. The analysis found highlands cut…

  • Lava Lamps Help Encrypt 10% of the Internet



    Lava Lamps Help Encrypt 10% of the Internet #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #encryption #internet security #lava lamps #randomness #Cloudflare Around 10% of internet encryption relies on lava lamps as a source of randomness. The unpredictable, ever-changing blobs in lava lamps create random patterns that are photographed and translated into encryption keys. This…

  • Mars May Have Been a Planet of Ancient Rivers



    Mars May Have Been a Planet of Ancient Rivers #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Mars #rivers #water #erosion #landforms #habitability #life Good evening, I’m your host Arthurleson with a space update. New evidence suggests ancient Mars may have been a planet of rivers rather than the barren desert it is today. Researchers trained…

  • Dont Fear the Hammerhead Bat



    Dont Fear the Hammerhead Bat #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #hammerhead bat #Hypsignathus monstrosus #fruit bat #mating #larynx #vocalizations Good evening, I’m your host Ayandainho with an animal report. The hammerhead bat may look like a Pokémon villain with its freaky square schnoz, but don’t let the name Hypsignathus monstrosus fool you. This…

  • Infrared Aurora Detected on Uranus



    Infrared Aurora Detected on Uranus #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Uranus #aurora #infrared #atmosphere #magnetic field #ice giants Good evening, I’m your host Ayandaleheim here with a space report. For the first time ever, scientists have spotted an infrared aurora swirling around the planet Uranus. Unlike the colorful light shows we see on…