BREAKING: Emergency Alert Today Will Turn US Into Zombies, Conspiracy Theorists Warn


BREAKING: Emergency Alert Today Will Turn US Into Zombies, Conspiracy Theorists Warn

An emergency alert test by FEMA today has conspiracy theorists claiming 5G signals will use COVID vaccines to turn people into zombies.

At 2:20 pm Eastern, the test will occur on TV, radio, and cell phones.

FEMA says it’s to ensure alert systems work and people understand them.

But conspiracies claim 5G will activate dormant pathogens from vaccines, citing fake science about Pfizer and Marburg, an Ebola-like virus.

Of course it’s patently false, with no mechanism for 5G to activate viruses.

The tests occur every 3 years as required by law, posing no health risks.

Earlier this year, the same claim was made about a UK alert test, and so far no zombies appeared.


#emergency alert #FEMA #EAS #WEA #cell phone #conspiracy theory #zombies #5G #vaccine #COVID-19

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