Are You More Likely to Get Motion Sickness If You’re a Woman?


Are You More Likely to Get Motion Sickness If You’re a Woman?

#shorts #Motion sickness #others #bodies #example Motion sickness: it’s the worst. You’re sitting there, trying to enjoy your ride, but your stomach is doing flip-flops and your head is spinning. And to make matters worse, the person next to you is totally fine. Scientists still don’t know exactly what causes motion sickness, but they think it has something to do with your brain’s balance system. When you’re moving, your eyes, inner ears, and body all send signals to your brain about how you’re moving. But if these signals are out of sync, it can cause your brain to get confused and you can get motion sickness. So next time you’re feeling queasy, just remember that it’s not your fault. It’s just your brain trying to make sense of all the conflicting information it’s getting.

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