AiScout: The Soccer Scouting Platform


AiScout: The Soccer Scouting Platform

AiSCOUT gives a second chance to young English soccer players by giving them a second chance at the top of the English soccer pyramid.

Players perform athletic drills on the app, then are rated via an AI scoring system built by data specialists and scouts from the game.

In a game that’s often ruthless in its discarding of young footballers, AiSCOUT offers a second try—to both players and scouts.

Here, players can be back in the system via AiScOUT, with clubs able to keep tabs on their progress.

Dylan Thomas, an 18-year-old forward, explains how he was playing in the lower leagues of English soccer when he came to play on this artificial pitch.

The grass was so nice, the ball moved so smoothly and intensely, and there were Premier League players training next to us.

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