18-Kilometer Maya Road Hidden in the Jungle Discovered by Lasers!


18-Kilometer Maya Road Hidden in the Jungle Discovered by Lasers!

#shorts #Maya cities #white road #Uxmal #Puuc region 120 words: Yo, check it out! Some archaeologists used lasers to discover an ancient highway that connected two Mayan cities over 1,200 years ago. The road was over 11 miles long and it’s just one piece of a larger network that connected the Maya world. This is all thanks to LiDAR, which is a remote sensing technology that’s helping archaeologists rediscover long-lost structures. 140 words: Yo, check it out! Some archaeologists used lasers to discover an ancient highway that connected two Mayan cities over 1,200 years ago. The road was over 11 miles long and it’s just one piece of a larger network that connected the Maya world. This is all thanks to LiDAR, which is a remote sensing technology that’s helping archaeologists rediscover long-lost structures. The Maya were a sophisticated civilization with a rich culture and history, and these new discoveries are just a reminder of how much we still have to learn about them.

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