Your Nose Knows: Each Nostril Has Its Own Smell


Your Nose Knows: Each Nostril Has Its Own Smell

#shorts #nostrils #nostril #odor concentrations #brain activity Yo, check it out. Scientists say that how we smell stuff depends on which nostril gets the most stink on it. That’s right, the left and right nostrils are like two totally different people. They each process smells differently, so if you’re ever wondering why something smells different to you than someone else, it’s probably because you’re using different nostrils. Scientists discovered this by sticking electrodes in the brains of people with epilepsy. They had these people sniff different smells and then watched their brains light up. They found that when people sniffed with both nostrils, the right nostril sent signals to the right brain hemisphere and the left nostril sent signals to the left brain hemisphere. So, if you ever want to know where a smell is coming from, just close one nostril and sniff. The nostril that smells it is closest to the source. And that’s the science of smell, folks. Stay woke.

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