You’ll Never Guess The Most Common Passwords Of 2023!


You’ll Never Guess The Most Common Passwords Of 2023!

#shorts #used passwords #password management service #Passkey technology #NordPass The most commonly used passwords of 2023 are as spectacularly stupid as ever.** Coming in at number 1 is the old-favourite “password”, followed by “123456”, and then “123456789”. Many of the usual suspects above were featured in the top 20 lists of 2022 and 2021. In fact, the lists are practically identical. This work was recently carried out by NordPass, a password management service created by NordVPN. To reach the findings, their cybersecurity experts studied a list of passwords compiled in a 4.3 terabyte database extracted from various publicly available sources, including those on the dark web. Among the many interesting insights they sniffed out, the analysis revealed that accounts of streaming services tend to have the weakest passwords compared to, say, email accounts or social media accounts. There were also so distinct regional differences. In Europe, football (that’s soccer to North Americans) was a prevalent theme in many of the top passwords. Passwords like “liverpool”, “arsenal”, “chelsea”, and “rangers” were prolific in the UK, while things like “benfica” topped the list in Portugal. Italy, obviously, featured passwords like “juventus” and “napoli” in their top 10. NordPass recommends that each password should be at least 20 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. You should also avoid using easily guessable or identifiable information like birthdays, places, names, or common words. Oh, and your favorite sports team.

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