Trio Wins Nobel For Snappin Electron Pics


Trio Wins Nobel For Snappin Electron Pics

#shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #physics #nobel prize #electrons #photography #attoseconds #light pulses #atoms #motion #insights #control This just in: three eggheads just won the big Swedish prize for figurin’ out how to snap pics of electrons movin’ around atoms using teeny tiny flashes of light. We’re talkin’ quintillionths of a second here – basically the physics version of stoppin’ time. Now scientists can stitch together these electron photograms like some kinda subatomic flip book and really see what’s goin’ on in there. Expect new insights into chemical reactions and materials, though no word yet on whether this’ll lead to Instagram for electrons. For makin’ the unseen seen, congrats to the trio on joining the Nobel elite!

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