The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient


The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient

Abbott believes that machine-learning inventions should be protected under the copyrights law to incentivize people to use AI for social good.”

He does not, however, believe that this is an infringement on the rights of the human inventor.

Through the Artificial Inventor Project, Abbott represents Thaler in some states and litigates in others pro bono.

All of his cases are settled without having to go through a lengthy legal process.

His argument is that any invention created by a machine should enjoy the same intellectual property rights as that of a human inventor or author.

This includes, but is not limited to, 3D printers and scientists who create things but do not own them.

It also extends to machines that do not yet have bodies.

#shorts #techshorts #technews #tech #technology #Abbott’s contention #AI #Thaler

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