The Hollow Hand Prosthesis of St George


The Hollow Hand Prosthesis of St George

#shorts #left hand #such prosthesis #remains #Image credit The story opens with a look at a medieval prosthetic hand that was recovered from a prehistoric site in Germany. Life was tough for our medieval ancestors. Between weapons, wars, and a lack of health and safety legislation, serious injuries were not uncommon. Thankfully, medicine was coming on leaps and bounds. Doctors were also trying to make advancements in the field of prosthetic limbs. A medieval prosthesis was recently unearthed during works to lay new pipes in the Bavarian town of Freising. The hand had been inserted into a sophisticated prosthesis. The state office for monument protection described the find as something special , all the more so when it was noted that the remains of the original owner were still inserted into this prosthesis .

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