Tag: technews

  • Dark Earth, Amazonian Rainforest



    Dark Earth, Amazonian Rainforest New research shows that ancient peoples have been using dark earth, or Amazonian dark earth, to build settlements throughout the Amazon rainforest for thousands of years. Dark earth is rich in vital nutrients like carbon, phosphorus, and potassium, and would have allowed people to grow crops in areas that otherwise would…

  • Reverse Reactions (Reverse Reactions)



    Reverse Reactions (Reverse Reactions) The origin of life on Earth is still a mystery, and the question remains what were the conditions that made it possible for life to happen here. We also don’t know if those conditions are an absolute requirement or if there are different ways to mix them together. A new approach…

  • Coffee Poops: The Coffee Poops Effect



    Coffee Poops: The Coffee Poops Effect Coffee drinkers are familiar with the phenomenon of coffee poops, the poops you suddenly have the urge to have after drinking your morning macchiato. While interesting and/or annoying, finding out how many people need to poo shortly after a cappuccino isn’t scientists’ number one priority. IFLScience is not responsible…

  • Silkworm silk spider spider spider spider spider spider spider spider spider



    Silkworm silk spider spider spider spider spider spider spider spider spider Genetically modified silkworms have succeeded in making a silk fiber stronger than Kevlar in bulletproof vests. Not only could the product save lives and have a host of industrial uses, but it could also be more environmentally friendly than existing manufacturing techniques for high-strength…

  • The U Shape of Happiness: The Psychology of Happiness



    The U Shape of Happiness: The Psychology of Happiness A team of psychologists from Germany and Switzerland recently published a new study that looks at how happiness varies over people’s life course and across different age groups. They studied three major components of subjective well-being, including life satisfaction, positive emotional states, negative emotions, and negative…

  • Space Shuttle Rubio’s Space Shuttle Rubio



    Space Shuttle Rubio’s Space Shuttle Rubio Frank Rubio has spent the longest time in space, surpassing the previous record set by Scott Kelly. Now, he has broken another record, becoming the first US astronaut to spend a whole year in space. During his stay on the ISS, a capsule was hit by a meteorite leading…

  • Chilobrachys natanicharum nov.



    Chilobrachys natanicharum nov. A new species of tarantula has been discovered in Thailand, one of the rarest colors found in nature. It’s blue-violet with metallic blue hairs on its legs, chelicerae (the fang-like mouthparts) and top of its carapace. And it looks electrical-blue. Wait, what? Did someone say sparkly purple? Yeah, this thing is blue.…

  • The Map Is Not The Territories



    The Map Is Not The Territories Africa is far bigger than you may think. Credit: IFLScience Dispatches From external sources, fact checkers, and links may be edited, removed, or added to at a later date to keep information current. All explainer” articles are confirmed by fact-checkers to be correct at time of publishing. Context This…

  • The Mariana Trench bacteriophage



    The Mariana Trench bacteriophage In a new study, scientists discover a previously unknown bacteriophage residing in the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench. A kind of virus that infects and replicates inside bacteria, phages are thought to be one of the most abundant organisms on the planet. This new isolated phage, called vB_HmeY_H4907,…

  • Horizontal Vertical Flushing Technique (AHVFT)



    Horizontal Vertical Flushing Technique (AHVFT) New research shows that a new technique for flossing teeth is better than traditional fluffing methods because it removes more plaque from the gums. It’s called AHVFT and it involves moving the toothbrush back and forth slightly up into the gum and pushing it away from the teeth. Plaque removal…