Tag: science news

  • Deep Sea Reveals Funky Columnar Basalt Formations



    Deep Sea Reveals Funky Columnar Basalt Formations #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #ocean exploration #geology #columnar basalt #Hawaii #deep sea Remotely operated deep sea cameras captured stunning footage of columnar basalt formations over a mile down near Hawaii. The funky geometric columns naturally form as lava cools. The rare images show the basalt…

  • Poison Expert Allegedly Killed Wife With Toxic Drug



    Poison Expert Allegedly Killed Wife With Toxic Drug #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #murder #poisoning #colchicine #toxicology #true crime A Minnesota man who worked in poison control has been charged with murdering his wife by poisoning her with colchicine, a toxic gout medication. The victim was hospitalized with organ failure and authorities found…

  • Seeing the ISS Zoom By Really Shows Its Speed



    Seeing the ISS Zoom By Really Shows Its Speed #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #International Space Station #ISS #orbit speed #space station The International Space Station zooms around Earth at 17,500 mph, completing an orbit every 90 minutes. A video simulating the ISS at ground level shows it blurring by landscapes in seconds.…

  • 46,000-Year-Old Worms Revived From Siberian Permafrost



    46,000-Year-Old Worms Revived From Siberian Permafrost #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #ancient life #cryopreservation #roundworms #nematodes #Siberia Nematode worms frozen in Siberian permafrost for over 46,000 years have been revived by scientists. The microscopic roundworms survived in cryptobiosis, where all metabolic processes shut down. Studying their extraordinary hardiness could unlock new cryopreservation techniques.…

  • Discovering New Chemicals Is a Massive Undertaking



    Discovering New Chemicals Is a Massive Undertaking #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #chemistry #chemical compounds #drug discovery #organic chemistry #periodic table Though over 100 elements are known, only 1% of possible chemical compounds have been discovered. With billions of potential combinations, it would take every person on Earth working for years to synthesize…

  • Scientist Reunites with Whale That Saved Her from Shark



    Scientist Reunites with Whale That Saved Her from Shark #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #whale #shark #animal rescue #humpback whale Marine biologist Nan Hauser was protected from a huge tiger shark by a humpback whale that shoved her under its fin. A year later, she reunited emotionally with the very same whale, recognizing…

  • The Richest Country in the World Keeps Changing



    The Richest Country in the World Keeps Changing #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #global wealth #richest country #China #United States #economy In 2021, China overtook the United States as the world’s richest country by total net worth. But the US regained the top spot by 2022 with $145.8 trillion in net wealth. The…

  • Amazon Drought Exposes Ancient Rock Faces



    Amazon Drought Exposes Ancient Rock Faces #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Amazon #drought #rock art #archaeology #climate change A severe drought in the Brazilian Amazon has exposed dozens of ancient rock carvings depicting human faces and other forms, last visible over a decade ago. The pre-Columbian engravings were revealed when water levels in…

  • The Strange History of Owl Symbolism



    The Strange History of Owl Symbolism #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #owls #symbolism #folklore #superstition #Athena #birds Throughout history, owls have been seen as both good and evil omens. Ancient Greeks associated them with wisdom and Athena, but Romans saw them as harbingers of death. In the Americas, native cultures had contradictory views…

  • Study Finds Sex Lowers Risks for People with High Blood Pressure



    Study Finds Sex Lowers Risks for People with High Blood Pressure #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #hypertension #high blood pressure #sex frequency #mortality risk #cardiovascular health New research found patients with high blood pressure who had sex once a week or more had significantly lower all-cause mortality rates than those who had sex…