Tag: science news

  • The Complex History and Meaning of Burning Sage



    The Complex History and Meaning of Burning Sage #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #smudging #sage burning #Indigenous culture #appropriation #spirituality Burning sage originates from Indigenous practices to purify spaces and connect spiritually. Some research indicates possible benefits like better cognition. But sage’s rise on social media raises concerns of appropriating Native culture. Non-Natives…

  • Bulldozers Encroach on Uncontacted Tribes Land for Nickel



    Bulldozers Encroach on Uncontacted Tribes Land for Nickel #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #indigenous rights #illegal mining #Indonesia #uncontacted tribes #deforestation Shocking new footage shows uncontacted members of Indonesia’s Hongana Manyawa tribe approaching noisy bulldozers clearing their ancestral forest for a nickel mine. With no immunity to modern diseases, the tribe faces catastrophe…

  • Investigator Sues FBI Over DB Cooper Tie To Crack Hijacking Case



    Investigator Sues FBI Over DB Cooper Tie To Crack Hijacking Case #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #DB Cooper #skyjacking #unsolved mystery #FBI #lawsuit An investigator believes particles on DB Cooper’s tie could identify the notorious 1971 hijacker. Cooper parachuted from a plane with ransom money and was never found. Analyzing titanium alloy traces,…

  • 160-Million-Year-Old Vampire Fish Fossils Discovered in China



    160-Million-Year-Old Vampire Fish Fossils Discovered in China #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #paleontology #fossils #lampreys #vampire fish #blood sucking #parasites Fossils of two giant ancient lamprey species were found in China, adding to knowledge of the blood-sucking ‘vampire fish.’ At 23 inches long, they were 10 times bigger than early lampreys. Their mouth…

  • US Planning New Nuclear Gravity Bomb With 360 Kiloton Yield



    US Planning New Nuclear Gravity Bomb With 360 Kiloton Yield #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #nuclear weapons #military #nuclear arms race #nuclear proliferation #gravity bomb The Pentagon plans to build an upgraded B61-13 nuclear gravity bomb with a 360 kiloton yield, similar to Cold War weapons. The free-fall bombs lack guidance systems and…

  • Science Shows Chicken Soup Helps Colds – But Homemade Works Best



    Science Shows Chicken Soup Helps Colds – But Homemade Works Best #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #chicken soup #cold remedy #nutrition #respiratory health #immunity Research found chicken soup helps colds through its taste and ingredients. The savory umami flavor can increase appetite and nutrient absorption. Homemade soup with veggies also reduces inflammation. The…

  • Cave of the Cats: The Story Behind Halloween



    Cave of the Cats: The Story Behind Halloween #shorts #full story #science #Plague-Busters #un)natural history Don’t be afraid of the hammerhead bat, discover the science of scary noises, and learn about the un-natural history of owls. Also subscribe to IFLScience’s newsletter for all the biggest science stories delivered straight to your inbox. The Hammerhead Bat…

  • Cases of Diarrhea Parasite Cryptosporidiosis Spiking in UK



    Cases of Diarrhea Parasite Cryptosporidiosis Spiking in UK #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #cryptosporidiosis #parasitic infection #public health #waterborne illness #diarrhea The UK is seeing a large rise in cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitic diarrhea illness. It spreads via contaminated water like pools and lasts a long time. The cause of the spike…

  • Scientist Claims Humans Have No Free Will



    Scientist Claims Humans Have No Free Will #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #free will #neuroscience #determinism #philosophy #psychology Stanford neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky controversially argues humans have no free will, believing our actions are pre-determined. He claims true free will would require neurons to function independently of biology and environment, which is impossible. Critics…

  • Mouse Embryos Grow Normally on Space Station



    Mouse Embryos Grow Normally on Space Station #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #space biology #microgravity #embryo development #pregnancy in space #ISS In a first, mouse embryos fertilized on Earth were grown on the International Space Station and successfully developed into blastocysts in microgravity. Their early formation was unaffected compared to controls on the…