Tag: science news

  • Ancient Greek Thinkers First Speculated On Alien Life, Not UFOs



    Ancient Greek Thinkers First Speculated On Alien Life, Not UFOs #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #aliens #UFOs #ancient Greece #Rome #sky phenomena #atomism #Democritus #Aristotle #Nicholas of Cusa Though ancient peoples described strange sky phenomena, they didn’t see them as aliens. Greek philosophers like Democritus first speculated on alien life around 400 BCE…

  • Giant Skull-Shaped Crater In Sahara Glares Up At Astronaut In ISS Photo



    Giant Skull-Shaped Crater In Sahara Glares Up At Astronaut In ISS Photo #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Trou au Natron #Chad #volcanic crater #caldera #International Space Station #astronaut photo #Sahara desert #Tibesti Mountains An astronaut on the ISS photographed Trou au Natron, a miles-wide volcanic crater in Chad that resembles a skull. Its…

  • NASAs Lucy Probe Found Binary Asteroid System During Surprise Flyby



    NASAs Lucy Probe Found Binary Asteroid System During Surprise Flyby #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #NASA #Lucy spacecraft #Trojan asteroids #Dinkinesh asteroid #binary asteroid #asteroid flyby NASA’s Lucy spacecraft flew by asteroid Dinkinesh this week on the way to study Jupiter’s Trojans. Lucy unexpectedly discovered Dinkinesh is a binary system of two asteroids…

  • Sexual Dimorphism In Mammals Traced To Late Puberty Genes, Not Innate Sex



    Sexual Dimorphism In Mammals Traced To Late Puberty Genes, Not Innate Sex #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #sexual dimorphism #gene expression #RNA sequencing #mammals #birds #brain #heart #liver #kidneys #puberty hormones New research found sexual dimorphism in mammals arises mainly in puberty from hormones, not innate sex genes. By studying mammals and birds,…

  • Researchers Stumble Upon First Virus Ever Seen Latching Onto Another Like A Tiny Vampire



    Researchers Stumble Upon First Virus Ever Seen Latching Onto Another Like A Tiny Vampire #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #virus #bacteriophage #satellite virus #helper virus #electron microscopy #genome analysis #viral evolution Scientists accidentally discovered the first case of a virus attaching to another, with a bacteriophage ‘vampirically’ latching onto a helper virus’s neck.…

  • 25,000-Year-Old Gunung Padang Pyramid Predates Egypts And Was Carved From Mountain



    25,000-Year-Old Gunung Padang Pyramid Predates Egypts And Was Carved From Mountain #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Gunung Padang #pyramid #Indonesia #West Java #oldest pyramid #megalithic structure #electrical resistivity tomography #ground-penetrating radar New research proves Indonesia’s Gunung Padang is the world’s oldest pyramid, with earliest construction starting 25,000 years ago. Built in 4 stages…

  • Lunar Farming, Vanishing Stars, and Smartphone infertility: Science News Of The Week



    Lunar Farming, Vanishing Stars, and Smartphone infertility: Science News Of The Week #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #lunar farming #plants growing on moon #disappearing stars #VASCO project #smartphones #sperm quality #spermageddon #space junk #grandmother rule #washing body #skin microbiome This week in science: Plants grew on China’s lunar lander showing farming’s possible on…

  • Tropical Skin-Eating Parasite Endemic To Texas As Climate, Dogs Spread It



    Tropical Skin-Eating Parasite Endemic To Texas As Climate, Dogs Spread It #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Leishmania #cutaneous leishmaniasis #skin lesions #fatal disease #sandflies #CDC #climate change #imported dogs Cases of the tropical parasitic disease leishmaniasis transmitted by sandflies are rising among Americans who didn’t travel abroad. CDC research shows it’s become endemic…

  • Levis CEO Says Never Machine Wash Jeans, Just Spot Clean And Shower In Them



    Levis CEO Says Never Machine Wash Jeans, Just Spot Clean And Shower In Them #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Levi’s #jeans #washing #carbon footprint #water usage #bacteria #spot clean Levi’s CEO Charles Bergh advises never machine washing jeans due to the carbon footprint. He says spot clean stains and wash jeans in the…

  • Venomous Critters Inject Toxins, Poisonous Ones Make You Ingest Them



    Venomous Critters Inject Toxins, Poisonous Ones Make You Ingest Them #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #venom #poison #toxin #ingest #inject #snake #frog #platypus #jellyfish #stinging nettle #mushroom Venom must be injected, like a snakebite, while poison must be ingested, like licking a frog. Venomous animals like snakes and jellyfish inject toxin through stingers…