Tag: science news

  • Frequent Smartphone Use Linked To Lower Sperm Counts In Robust Study



    Frequent Smartphone Use Linked To Lower Sperm Counts In Robust Study #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #smartphones #electromagnetic radiation #male fertility #sperm count #semen quality #mobile phone use A large 13-year study found frequent smartphone use associated with lower sperm counts in young men, likely due to radiation exposure. But it’s not definitive,…

  • Around 100 Stars Mysteriously Vanished From The Sky In Past Decades



    Around 100 Stars Mysteriously Vanished From The Sky In Past Decades #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #disappearing stars #VASCO project #failed supernovas #black holes #gravitational lensing #gamma-ray bursts #Dyson spheres The VASCO project found around 100 stars vanished from old photos compared to recent sky surveys. Proposed explanations include failed supernovas, lensing, gamma…

  • Broccoli, Spinach, Carrots Pack The Most Vitamins Per Serving Of Vegetables



    Broccoli, Spinach, Carrots Pack The Most Vitamins Per Serving Of Vegetables #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #vegetables #vitamins #minerals #nutrient density #broccoli #spinach #kale #carrots To get essential vitamins and minerals, eat nutrient-dense vegetables like broccoli, leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peppers. A variety is ideal, but these pack the biggest punch…

  • Touching Superfluid Helium Would Feel Like A 2D Surface, Not Liquid Bulk



    Touching Superfluid Helium Would Feel Like A 2D Surface, Not Liquid Bulk #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #superfluid #helium-3 #quantum mechanics #phase of matter #temperature #thermodynamics New research found superfluid helium-3 would feel 2D when touched, not 3D liquid. Heat from a finger propagates along a 2D surface, leaving the bulk passive. This…

  • Bird Names Honoring People Will Be Changed To Descriptors By Ornithologists



    Bird Names Honoring People Will Be Changed To Descriptors By Ornithologists #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #bird names #ornithology #American Ornithological Society #eponyms #name changes #inclusivity The American Ornithological Society will change English bird names honoring people to descriptive names. They aim to eliminate bias, convey meaning, and avoid judging historical figures. 👋…

  • Aging Involves Biological Processes But Outlook Shapes Experience Of It



    Aging Involves Biological Processes But Outlook Shapes Experience Of It #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #aging #biological aging #psychological aging #telomeres #subjective age #cognitive health #social health While biological aging involves declining telomeres and organ function, psychological outlook powerfully impacts health and longevity too. Both biology and feeling younger relate to better cognitive…

  • CT Scans Of Frozen Baby Mammoths Reveal Secrets Of Woolly Giants Lives



    CT Scans Of Frozen Baby Mammoths Reveal Secrets Of Woolly Giants Lives #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #woolly mammoths #Lyuba #Khroma #Siberia #frozen remains #CT scans #DNA analysis #mitochondrial DNA #de-extinction CT scans of Siberian frozen baby mammoths Lyuba and Khroma gave insights on woolly mammoth development. Their well-preserved DNA enabled ancestry tracing…

  • Paradoxes Reveal Flaws In Binary True-False Logic And Shades Of Truth



    Paradoxes Reveal Flaws In Binary True-False Logic And Shades Of Truth #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #paradoxes #logic #binary logic #truth spectrum #contradictions #fuzzy logic #quantum computing #Zeno’s paradoxes Some paradoxes like Zeno’s reveal flaws in binary true-false logic. Contradictions show truth is a spectrum, not binary. While solved paradoxes validate logic, others…

  • Worlds Tallest Waterfall Is A 2-Mile Cascade In The Ocean Near Greenland



    Worlds Tallest Waterfall Is A 2-Mile Cascade In The Ocean Near Greenland #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #underwater waterfall #Denmark Strait cataract #Greenland #Iceland #cold dense water #climate change The world’s tallest waterfall at 2.2 miles high is underwater between Greenland and Iceland. Cold, dense water flows over an ocean cliff. But climate…

  • Norway To Test Innovative Spinning Wind Turbine Designed For Deep Seas



    Norway To Test Innovative Spinning Wind Turbine Designed For Deep Seas #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #floating wind turbine #Norway #World Wide Wind #prototype testing #renewable energy #offshore wind #levelized cost of energy Norwegian startup World Wide Wind will test a novel floating wind turbine off Norway’s coast. Its spinning vertical blades and…