Tag: science news

  • Rats Squeak Happily At 50 kHz When Socially Interacting With Rat Buddies



    Rats Squeak Happily At 50 kHz When Socially Interacting With Rat Buddies #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #rats #rodents #vocalizations #ultrasound #animal emotions #social behavior Research found rats make 50 kHz ultrasonic squeaks when interacting positively with other rats. This suggests the inaudible sounds reflect happiness. Novel mini-mics on noses identified which individual…

  • Orca Pod Attacks And Sinks Yacht In Repeated Ramming Off Portugal



    Orca Pod Attacks And Sinks Yacht In Repeated Ramming Off Portugal #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #orcas #killer whales #yacht sinking #animal behavior #human-animal interactions A pod of orcas repeatedly rammed a yacht off Portugal for 45 minutes, causing severe damage that sunk the vessel. Experts say it’s likely social play behavior, not…

  • Earths Atmosphere Was More Detectable To Aliens In Dinosaur Era



    Earths Atmosphere Was More Detectable To Aliens In Dinosaur Era #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #SETI #astrobiology #exoplanets #Earth’s atmosphere #alien life #oxygen levels Research found Earth’s atmosphere chemistry during the dinosaur era made it more detectable to hypothetical alien civilizations than today. It suggests refining exoplanet habitability markers. 👋 Feeling the vibes?…

  • 7,000-Year-Old Chinchorro Mummies In Chiles Atacama Predate Egyptians



    7,000-Year-Old Chinchorro Mummies In Chiles Atacama Predate Egyptians #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Chinchorro mummies #Chile #Atacama Desert #ancient mummification #archaeology The Chinchorro people mummified their dead in Chile’s dry Atacama Desert starting 7,000 years ago, long before the famous Egyptian mummies. Both natural mummification and artificial techniques were used. 👋 Feeling the…

  • Ancient Black Hole 13 Billion Light Years Away Is Largest In Early Universe



    Ancient Black Hole 13 Billion Light Years Away Is Largest In Early Universe #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #black hole #early universe #JWST #galaxy cluster lensing #supermassive #outsize black hole Astronomers discovered the most distant supermassive black hole ever, UZH1, from when the universe was just 470 million years old. Its extreme early…

  • Belly Flops Hurt More Than Expected Due To Oscillating Flexible Tissue



    Belly Flops Hurt More Than Expected Due To Oscillating Flexible Tissue #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #belly flop #water impact #flexible structure #vibration #damping Research on soft bellies flopping into water found more flexibility doesn’t always reduce impact. Oscillating flexible tissue can increase force. Proper damping is key, as graceful diving birds show.…

  • Astronauts Accidentally Drop Tool Bag During Space Station Repair Spacewalk



    Astronauts Accidentally Drop Tool Bag During Space Station Repair Spacewalk #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #International Space Station #NASA #astronauts #spacewalk #tool bag #solar array #space debris During a spacewalk to fix the ISS solar array, astronauts accidentally dropped a tool bag. While it poses little risk, the bag joins space debris NASA…

  • Rare Footage Captures Lone Wolf Successfully Hunting And Killing A Seal



    Rare Footage Captures Lone Wolf Successfully Hunting And Killing A Seal #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #wolves #gray wolf #pack animals #hunting #harbor seal #sea otters Scientists captured the first known footage of a single gray wolf successfully hunting and killing a harbor seal. Wolves in Alaska have adapted to hunt marine mammals…

  • Ancient Sex With Denisovans Gave Humans Cold Weather Genes And Mental Health Risks



    Ancient Sex With Denisovans Gave Humans Cold Weather Genes And Mental Health Risks #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #Denisovans #human evolution #gene mutation #zinc regulation #cold adaptation #mental health disorders Humans inherited a gene mutation from ancient Denisovans that helped us adapt to cold climates but also raised the risk for mental illnesses…

  • NASAs Lucy Probe Flies Past Test Asteroid Dinkinesh On Way To Jupiter Trojans



    NASAs Lucy Probe Flies Past Test Asteroid Dinkinesh On Way To Jupiter Trojans #shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #NASA #Lucy spacecraft #Trojan asteroids #Dinkinesh asteroid #asteroid flyby NASA’s Lucy spacecraft successfully flew past asteroid Dinkinesh this week on the way to study Jupiter’s Trojans. The test flyby verified Lucy’s instruments before its main…