Steam Punkd: Ancient Greeks Built the OG Steam Engine… But What the Hades Was It For?


Steam Punkd: Ancient Greeks Built the OG Steam Engine… But What the Hades Was It For?

#shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #ancient Greece #steam engine #aeolipile #Heron of Alexandria #rocket science #miracles Turns out those ancient Greeks were way more advanced than we thought. Over a thousand years before the Industrial Revolution, some guy named Heron apparently invented a primitive steam engine he called the aeolipile. But get this – no one knows what he used it for! While it didn’t have much practical use, experts think Heron and his philosopher friends probably got their togas in a twist showing off the steam-powered sphere to impress each other. Others say temples used aeolipiles to fake miracles, with steam pouring out of statues’ mouths and noses. So while this old Greek engine wasn’t exactly powering the Parthenon, it showed those ancients had some serious steam punk vibes going on centuries before the rest of us!

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