Senators Want ChatGPT-Level AI to Require a Government License


Senators Want ChatGPT-Level AI to Require a Government License

A bipartisan duo of senators, Democrat Richard Blumenthal and Republican Josh Hawley, have proposed legislation that would regulate artificial intelligence.

They propose that all companies develop and use AI systems only with government licenses and that they make public information about the training data used to create an AI model and disclose any instances of its failure.

They also suggest that people harmed by AI should have the right to bring the company that created it to court.

The idea of using patents to restrict who can develop powerful AI systems has gained traction in both industry and Congress.

Anna Lenhart, who previously led an AI ethics initiative at IBM and is now a PhD candidate at the University of Maryland, says the senators’ legislative framework is a welcome sight after years of AI experts appearing in Congress to explain how and why AI should be regulated.

But she remains skeptical that any new AI oversight mechanism could host the broad range technical and legal knowledge required to oversee technology used in many areas from self-driving cars to health care to

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