Rogue Android apps target Pakistani nationals in sophisticated espionage campaign


Rogue Android apps target Pakistani nationals in sophisticated espionage campaign

Cyfirma has discovered that Individuals in the Pakistan region have been targeted using two rogue Android apps available on the Google Play Store as part of a new targeted campaign.

The company attributes the campaign to a threat actor known as DoNot Team, also known as APT-C-35 or Viceroy Tiger.

DoNot Team is a suspected India-nexus threat actor that has a reputation for carrying out attacks against various countries in South Asia.

In addition, the threat actor is known to use malicious Android apps that masquerade as legitimate utilities in their target attacks.

Little is known about the victims targeted using the rogue apps barring the fact that they are based in Pakistan.

Cyfirms belief that the campaign is the work of DoNotTeam, which also operates under the names APT 35, Viper 35, and C-35.

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