Rat King: The Adventures of a Rat King


Rat King: The Adventures of a Rat King

In a recent interview, Jordan Peterson attempted to sound impressive by explaining to his host what a Rat King was, but ended up reciting a scene from James Bond as if it were true.

During his recent appearance on the This Weekend Past podcast, Peterson commented on host Theo Von’s shirt, which displayed an image of a crowned rat.

After learning that Von’s friends refer to him as the Rat King, Peterson launched into an explanation of what aRat King really is.

He then went on to essentially retell – though without reference to the source – a half-remembered story about rats being turned into cannibals in order to kill off other rats in a specific location.

The name Rat King does relate to a potentially real rodent phenomenon, which has nothing to do with acquired cannibalism but is much much weirder You may or may not wish to continue.

Rat Kings are not super-sized cannibal rats or the leaders of some subterranean fantasy realm built by ch

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