OpenAI fires Sam Altman: Is Chat doomed?


OpenAI fires Sam Altman: Is Chat doomed?

#shorts #OpenAI’s board #CEO Sam Altman #- #founder OpenAI’s CEO got the old heave-ho!** Yeah, that’s right, Sam Altman was fired. And it’s all because he wasn’t candid enough with the board. Can you believe it? The guy who created an AI company wasn’t honest with his bosses? Talk about irony! Anyway, OpenAI’s CTO, Mira Murati, has been named interim CEO. So far, she’s doing a great job. She’s already made a bunch of changes, like banning all the employees from using Slack. And she’s also started working on a new project called “OpenAI Truthiness.” So, there you have it. OpenAI’s CEO got fired. And it’s all because he wasn’t honest. Who knew?

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