New Bacteria Blamed for Mysterious Elephant Die-Off


New Bacteria Blamed for Mysterious Elephant Die-Off

#shorts #scinews #science news #science #science max #African elephants #mass die-off #Botswana #Zimbabwe #bacteria #Bisgaard taxon 45 #blood poisoning #IUCN Red List Good evening, I’m your host Gregoryopher with an update on the 2020 mass elephant die-off in Africa. Over 350 pachyderms mysteriously dropped dead in Botswana. Now scientists think they’ve ID’d the culprit: a bacteria called Bisgaard taxon 45. They found it in 6 out of 15 dead elephants in Zimbabwe. This nasty microbe had never been seen in wild elephants before. It caused fatal blood poisoning that quickly spread through the highly social herds. Researchers guess the elephants might’ve picked it up from another animal they share space with, but they’re not totally sure yet. Further research is needed to learn more about this emerging elephant pathogen. But with elephants already endangered, a mysterious new bacteria threatens the population even more. So that’s great. Just another 2020 disaster to add to the pile. Next thing you know, hippos will start spontaneously combusting too. Stay tuned. For Weekend Update, I’m Gregoryopher.

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