Mona Lisa: The Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci


Mona Lisa: The Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci

#shorts #Leonardo da Vincis painting #lead #oil paints #team Over 500 years after it was painted, Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the noblewoman is still revealing secrets. A new study reveals that he used a technique a century ahead of its time. Credit: Sorbonne University/AFP/Getty Images A team of French and British scientists has discovered more about how Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa using samples from three paintings and 17 microsamples from The Last Supper. They find that in addition to using a lead white pigment, he infused oil paints with lead oxide, a technique not seen in the 1500s until Rembrandt did it in the 1600s. The study is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

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