Meet Lattice, The “Choose Your Own Adventure” Human Disease Simulator


Meet Lattice, The “Choose Your Own Adventure” Human Disease Simulator

New microfluidic device named Lattice allows researchers to connect multiple human tissue samples, mimicking interactions between organs to study diseases and test drugs.

Created at Northwestern University, Lattice aims to be intermediate testing step between animal studies and human trials.

Has eight wells to hold different tissue cultures that researchers can control flow between to simulate disease progression over time.

Hoped to give more accurate testing than standard petri dish cell cultures that don’t survive long.

Allows studying which organs drive diseases and which affected downstream.

Being used to study polycystic ovarian syndrome’s impact beyond ovaries.

Could help find new PCOS treatments by clarifying disease mechanisms.

Also may help weed out drugs unsafe for humans after animal testing.

#shorts #Lattice #human disease #multiple organs #new drugs

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