How Blocking “Jumping Genes” Could Help Us Live Longer


How Blocking “Jumping Genes” Could Help Us Live Longer

#shorts #TEs #DNA #lifespan #new study Scientists have discovered that the key to eternal youth is to control our “jumping genes.” These “jumping genes” are also known as transposable elements (TEs), and they’re basically regions of DNA that can move around the genome. In humans, almost half of the genome is made up of TEs. While they’re not always destructive, TEs can often introduce mutations into otherwise functional regions of DNA, and this kind of genomic instability is one of the hallmarks of aging. So, if we can control TE activity, we can potentially extend our lifespan. Scientists have already found a way to do this in roundworms, and they’re now working on developing treatments that could be used in humans. So, if you’re looking for the fountain of youth, you might want to start by looking in your own DNA.

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