Google Pays Apple **$15 Billion** a Year for Safari Search


Google Pays Apple **$15 Billion** a Year for Safari Search

#shorts #Google #Apple #number #Bloomberg Google has been giving Apple a 36 percent cut of all search ad revenue that comes from Safari, according to a new report. That’s a lot of money! In fact, it’s more than Google pays to any other company for search ads. And it’s all thanks to a secret deal between the two companies. Of course, Google didn’t want anyone to know about this deal. They tried to keep it confidential, but the details have finally leaked out. And now we know that Google is basically paying Apple to be the default search engine on Safari. So next time you’re using Safari, remember that you’re helping to line Apple’s pockets. And if you’re feeling really generous, you can even throw in a few extra bucks for Google.

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