Dark Matter: The Invisible Element That Could Make Up Our Universe


Dark Matter: The Invisible Element That Could Make Up Our Universe

#shorts #dark matter #false vacuum #bottom #particles Hey everyone, it’s time for a science update! Did you know that there’s a new theory about dark matter? It’s called Recycled Dark Matter, and it’s pretty wild. Basically, it says that dark matter forms twice in the universe, with weird quantum mechanics and a black hole phase in the middle. And all of that happens just a few instants after the beginning of the cosmos. So how does it work? Well, imagine two hills and a valley in the middle. If you make a ball roll down, it will settle at the bottom of the valley, which is its lowest energy state. In quantum mechanics parlance, that is the vacuum state. Now imagine that one of the hills had a little valley halfway between the top and the bottom โ€“ the ball might rest there or end up at the very bottom. Both are balanced for us, but in quantum mechanics, this is not the case. The higher valley is a false vacuum, and things in it might appear to be in equilibrium โ€“ until suddenly they are not and end up in the true vacuum. The false vacuum scenario is one of the ways the Universe might end. Now, a team of researchers has considered: if the expansion of the universe pushed the dark sector particles into a false vacuum, what would happen? In this scenario, these particles would acquire mass and energy, and not many of them would end up in the true vacuum. That minority would be well-behaved particles, and we know they seldom make history. The particles in the false vacuums would actually collapse into primordial black holes, and depending on the mass of these objects, they might evaporate before the first nucleus of an atom formed. That’s about a microsecond after the Big Bang. And what do these black holes evaporate into? Well, it’s the dark matter that made it all the way to today. So dark matter is recycled through a quantum mechanical process and black holes before getting stuck in what could still exist today. Although, the dark matter produced in this way is the one disfavored by some observations. So there you have it, folks. The latest on Recycled Dark Matter. Stay tuned for more science updates!

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