Crocodile Sex Bonanza Triggered By Low-Flying Chinook In Australia


Crocodile Sex Bonanza Triggered By Low-Flying Chinook In Australia

A Chinook helicopter got more than it bargained for when it swooped down low to take pictures of some captive crocodiles, as it accidentally triggered a giant orgy.

Exactly what it is about low-flying helicopters that gets crocodiles in the mood isn’t known for certain, but it appears to mimic one of the natural cues these animals use to know when it’s time to get it on.

The ecrocic scenes unfolded at Koorana Crocodile Farm in Central Queensland which sits close to the Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Rockhampton, meaning the captive animals often see aircraft.

In what’s arguably the most eloquent piece ever written about a crocodile sex party heralded in by chinooks, farm owner John Lever told ABC Far North that a particularly low-flying helicopter had a rousing effect on the animals.

#shorts #animals #captive crocodiles #chinook helicopter #big thump

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