Community Notes is a crowdsourced fact-checking program launched a year


Community Notes is a crowdsourced fact-checking program launched a year

#shorts #disinformation #Community Notes #notes #own platform This story opens with an investigation into the community notes feature on X, formerly Twitter. Last week, Musk and Yaccarino heralded it as a key tool in tackling the toxic deluge of disinformation that has flooded social media, and in particular X, during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. But the WIRED investigation found that Community Notes appears to be not working as designed, may be vulnerable to coordinated manipulation by outside groups, and lacks transparency about how notes are approved. One contributor of the North Atlantic Fella Organization, a decentralized online volunteer movement that emerged following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, complains that the system is peasantly to manipulation, and it is far too slow and cumbersome. It serves no

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