Category: Shorts

  • OpenAI fires Sam Altman: Is Chat doomed?



    OpenAI fires Sam Altman: Is Chat doomed? #shorts #OpenAI’s board #CEO Sam Altman #- #founder OpenAI’s CEO got the old heave-ho!** Yeah, that’s right, Sam Altman was fired. And it’s all because he wasn’t candid enough with the board. Can you believe it? The guy who created an AI company wasn’t honest with his bosses?…

  • Comet Erasmus Wagged Its Tail Like A Dog As It Sailed Past The Sun!



    Comet Erasmus Wagged Its Tail Like A Dog As It Sailed Past The Sun! #shorts #Sun #solar wind #Erasmus #- David H. Levy said, “Comets are like cats. They both have tails and do precisely what they want.” And boy, did Comet Erasmus show us its tail! This comet came close to the Sun and…

  • The Hell Pigs That Terrorized the Earth for Nearly 20 Million Years



    The Hell Pigs That Terrorized the Earth for Nearly 20 Million Years #shorts #hell pigs #species #large skull #recent research Introducing the hell pig!** These prehistoric beasts were as big as a Volkswagen, had a pig-like snout, and tusks that could grow up to three feet long. But don’t let their cute looks fool you,…

  • You’ll Never Guess The Most Common Passwords Of 2023!



    You’ll Never Guess The Most Common Passwords Of 2023! #shorts #used passwords #password management service #Passkey technology #NordPass The most commonly used passwords of 2023 are as spectacularly stupid as ever.** Coming in at number 1 is the old-favourite “password”, followed by “123456”, and then “123456789”. Many of the usual suspects above were featured in…

  • Woman With 2 Uteruses Is Expecting 2 Babies, And The Pics Are Incredible



    Woman With 2 Uteruses Is Expecting 2 Babies, And The Pics Are Incredible #shorts #babies #rare double uterus #Kelsey Hatcher #different types Kelsey Hatcher from Alabama is pregnant with two babies – one in each womb! This is crazy rare, like 1 in a million rare. Hatcher had three previous pregnancies with no complications, so…

  • Mysterious Hum Devastates Yet Another Town, Residents Terrified



    Mysterious Hum Devastates Yet Another Town, Residents Terrified #shorts #people #Omagh #theories #problem Residents of a town in Northern Ireland are being driven mad by a mysterious “hummmmmm” noise that’s been keeping them up at night. The folks have described the sound as a “persistent buzz or hum” that becomes more prominent at night. People…

  • Tintinnabulum, also known as a penis



    Tintinnabulum, also known as a penis #shorts #winged penis #Viminacium #tintinnabulum #building A wind chime in the shape of a winged penis has been unearthed among the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Viminacium in modern-day Serbia. According to Live Science, the phallic wind conter is the second such device ever found at the…

  • Sea Anemones Are the First Animals Found to Track the Sun Like Plants



    Sea Anemones Are the First Animals Found to Track the Sun Like Plants #shorts #snakelocks sea anemones #light source #Sun #Anemonia viridis Anemones are the first animals known to follow the Sun, wiggling their tentacles east at dawn and west at dusk in what is known as heliotropism – a phenomenon that’s previously only been…

  • Tropical Birds Are Getting Mercury Poisoning From Gold Mining



    Tropical Birds Are Getting Mercury Poisoning From Gold Mining #shorts #mercury #Gold mining #new study #researchers A new study has found that gold mining is causing some tropical birds to have dangerously high levels of mercury. One green kingfisher even had 30 times the safe amount! This is bad news for the birds, but it’s…

  • 2022: Did MIT Scientists Predict The Global Collapse We’re Seeing Today?



    2022: Did MIT Scientists Predict The Global Collapse We’re Seeing Today? #shorts #stabilized world” scenario #global collapse #human population #work In the 1970s, a bunch of nerds used a computer model to predict that the world would collapse by the end of this century. And it looks like they were right! Thanks, nerds! The model…