Binance’s Russian division CommEx


Binance’s Russian division CommEx

Commex acquires Binance’s Russian division and goes public with its status as an independent entity.

It does not, however, disclose its ultimate beneficial owner.

In a Friday letter, CommEx explains that it is separate from Binance and that some of its core members are former Binance employees.

While it does not have an ownership stake in Binance, it does have many of the same ideas and principles as Binance.

CommEx has also incorporated certain Binance design elements into its own platform, such as design, APIs, and terms of use.

Although there is no longer any ambiguity over who CommEx’s owners are, there is still speculation as to whether Binance actually owns the company.

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#shorts #CryptoNews #CryptoShorts #Binance #Unsplash CommEx #exchanges previous employees

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