5-Year-Olds Are Better at AI Than You Think


5-Year-Olds Are Better at AI Than You Think

#shorts #AI tools #researchers #human children #recent study A new study has found that human children are better at problem-solving and thinking than AI. That’s right, even little kids can outsmart these supposedly intelligent machines. In one test, kids were asked to draw a circle. They were given a choice of tools to use: a ruler, a teapot, or a stove. The kids all chose the teapot, even though it’s not a conventional tool for drawing circles. The AIs, on the other hand, all chose the ruler. In another test, kids were shown a virtual “blicket detector” that lights up and plays music when certain objects are placed on it. The kids figured out which objects were blickets and used them to make the machine go. The AIs, again, struggled to figure out what was going on. So there you have it, folks. Kids are better at problem-solving and thinking than AI. Maybe we should start listening to them more.

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